
Title: Judgement Call

Log Line: Passionate fans take their team debates to the next level, arguing in front of a judge. Unscripted and intense, the drama shifts from the field to the courtroom, where age-old sports debates are finally decided once and for all in front of a judge.

Project Type: Television Series

Length: 30 minutes

Written: Unscripted

Budget: $20K

Judgement Call
$100 of $20,000 raised
Judgement Call


On Judgement Call, the world of sports meets the courtroom as athletes, analysts, and fans present their case on the most pressing sports issues. From controversial calls to player debates, each episode brings two opposing sides into the courtroom to argue their stance before a panel of expert "judges." With the gavel ready, they lay out evidence, facts, and opinions, making their best case to win the ultimate sports verdict. It’s high-stakes, intense, and no debate is off-limits as the courtroom becomes the final arena where sports controversies are settled once and for all.

Project Needs


  1. Courtroom: An on-location courtroom, or a space to build a courtroom set


  1. Judge’s Bench
  2. Debaters’ Podiums
  3. Audience Seating
  4. Scoreboard: Digital scoreboard
  5. Video Display Screens: Large projection screens or monitors
  6. Set Decorations: Sports-themed décor
  7. Custom “Judgement Call” Gavel
  8. Evidence Displays: Easels or projection devices for presenting visual evidence
  9. Tablets or Laptops: For debaters to present digital evidence and reference data
  10. Scorecards: Physical or digital scorecards
  11. Team Flags or Banners
  12. Desks & Chairs: Ideally styled with sports elements to enhance the set
  13. Sports Memorabilia: Donations of signed jerseys, balls, trophies, or other memorabilia for set decoration or as rewards
  14. Fan Banners or Flags: Props like fan-made signs, or banners for set design


  1. Judges’ Robes
  2. Sports Patches
  3. Sports Jerseys
  4. Fan Gear
  5. Foam Fingers
  6. Briefcases


  1. Transport Vehicles: Vehicles for moving set pieces, props, and production equipment


1. Transportation for cast and crew

2. Shuttle service for cast and crew between locations

3. Crew accommodations for potential overnight stays during shoots

4. Crew flights


1. Meals and snacks suitable for outdoor locations.

2. Water and other beverages

3. Coffee & Tea

4. Catering for crew meals


Project Needs Form

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