Title: CharliMay
Log Line: Charli is a jaded, complacent, and apathetic ex-photographer at the Los Angeles Herald when his entire world is disrupted when he meets May, who unknowingly breathes life back into him.
Project Type: Feature Film
Length: 90 Mins
Written: Scripted
Budget: $1,000,000
Charli is a jaded ex-photographer, a lost soul, working a monotonous job, living a monotonous life. He is is the ultimate stone-cold realist who has lost his faith in humanity. He meets May who is a polar opposite of Charli, and she teaches him through many arguments, how to learn to rebuild his life, his art, and his love of his favorite city, Los Angeles. Their acquaintance, turned friendship, turned romance has deep and wide-ranging discussions on life as they debate how they each see the world.
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
1. Transportation for cast and crew
2. Shuttle service for cast and crew between locations
3. Crew accommodations for potential overnight stays during shoots
4. Crew flights
1. Meals and snacks suitable for outdoor locations.
2. Water and other beverages
3. Coffee & Tea
4. Catering for crew meals