Title: Misti Felts
Log Line: After enduring a childhood marked by trauma and abuse, a woman embarks on a trans-formative journey of healing, self-growth, and resilience. Now, as she continues to evolve, she’s driven by a deep desire to share hope and inspire others on their own paths to recovery.
Project Type: Documentary
Length: Episodic, TBA
Written: Scripted
Budget: TBA
Misti is the raw, deeply personal, and true account of a young woman growing up in an abusive and neglectful environment. The story follows Misti Felts, and her resilience and growth throughout her life.
As the documentary unfolds, the story delves into the traumatic experiences that continue to impact Misti’s life. Assault, deaths within the family, and mental health struggles weigh on Misti and compound her hardships. Over time, suicide becomes a recurring option in her mind as she struggles with deep emotional wounds and an overwhelming sense of hopelessness. Despite numerous attempts to escape her pain, Misti clings to life, often at the urging of others or through moments of doubt.
In the recent years of her life, we see Misti find hope through Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), a life-saving approach that has helped her escape the unbearable weight of suicidal thoughts. At first there is doubt that it will help, but over time the pieces begin to click. Today, she uses these skills to navigate difficult moments and see situations in a new light. Although this journey was fraught with rejection and pain, Misti wants others to know that healing is possible, and that they are not alone.
Coming Soon